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Relocation Announcement
Dear Valued Customers / Business Partners,
We are pleased to inform you that our office will be relocated to the following new address effective immediately:
Unit 2005-2006, 20/F, Tower 2,
Metroplaza, No.223 Hing Fong Road,
Kwai Chung, N.T., H.K
All our phone & fax numbers and the e-mail addresses will remain unchanged.
Thank you for your kind attention!
Redford Group
update date: 10 JAN 2025




Fill out the “Change of the Customer's Particulars Form”

Submit ID card or Passport copy of the Signatory together with a
completed “Change of the Customer's Particulars Form” and fax to +852-2866-6804
email to pmt@redfordholdings.com
Upon receipt of the completed form, we will update the information and send a
confirmation email to the Customer within 5 business days when it is done








The price is for reference only and Redford Group is not in any forms of partnership with BullionVault.
The price is for reference only. Final actual price offers will be quoted by Redford separately for each individual customers.

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